Date Published: 3 August 2021

Sylvia Strobel

President & CEO, Twin Cities PBS
Inspired by the voice of

Sandra Day O'Connor

As a farm kid growing up in rural Missouri, my window to the world was pretty small, but television served as a gateway to the universe. I did not really think much about what I wanted to be, only that I wanted to "do" something different…..and a career in media never crossed my mind back then!

A Voice of Inspiration

Sandra Day O'Connor

As someone who started in the media industry as a lawyer - I was often the only woman in the room for many years. Sandra Day O'Connor is a trailblazer - as a mother, lawyer, and community volunteer. Her tenacity to succeed as a female attorney, and her sense of responsibility to open the door for other women, has not only inspired me in my career, parenting and volunteer choices, but drives me to "pay it forward" for the next generation.

Shared Voices

AWM has been a critical part of my life professionally and personally for thirty years. The women - and men - involved in AWM have pushed and supported me along my career journey - from a media attorney to a CEO at one of the largest PBS stations in the country. I am also blessed to have served AWM nationally as a board member and former chair, and the lifelong friendships I have with women all over the country sustain me each day.

Sandra Day O'Connor

For both men and women the first step in getting power is to become visible to others, and then to put on an impressive show…As women achieve power, the barriers will fall. As society sees what women can do, as WOMEN see what women can do, there will be more women out there doing things, and we’ll all be better off for it.